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Ending period poverty. Period.

Period poverty banner with two girls

We believe every girl should have access to free sanitary products - because they are a necessity, not a luxury.

phs Group and Blaenau Gwent Council have committed to help tackle period poverty with the purpose-designed free-vend dispenser in response to the growing challenges surrounding period poverty. Free-coin vending machines will be installed in all secondary schools in the county which will give access to basic needs, for free. Primary schools will hold stock and will give to pupils who need them as and when.

Free-vend machines are a real solution, giving users instant and discreet access to sanitary products. Individually wrapped, they can be accessed without the use of a coin. We’re here to help make a difference.

Visit our Period Poverty Page


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Let us know how you feel about free sanitary supplies at your school. 

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