Today’s sustainability forecast: a positive outlook for water and waste?

Sustainability is widely regarded as the key to a successful business in the 21st century. Sustainability or social responsibility is fast becoming a prime concern for public and private sectors alike and the hospitality and leisure industry is no exception. As consumers, we are more in tune than ever with sustainability issues, from ditching plastic to saving the bees, and these days, we want to know where our food comes from and if our waste is disposed of responsibly. But with much of the country currently basking in record temperatures, and the possibility of droughts in certain regions of the UK, the predictable talk of hosepipe bans has begun.

But saving water is an essential part of many organisation’s environmental programme and this year it’s an even more important priority as the prospect of summer hosepipe bans for the UK becomes a reality. And naturally, water usage is key to the functionality of most businesses, but particularly in the hospitality and leisure industry. Many resorts and hotels rely on water for long guest showers and filling huge pools, whilst restaurants and pubs wash dishes around the clock, often in machines not efficient at saving water.

sustainability for waste

By taking a greener approach, your company, staff and the wider community all benefit. According to Waterwise, the leading authority on water efficiency in the UK, climate change and population growth are increasing pressures on water resources in the UK. A recent Water UK report identified that we are facing longer, more frequent droughts – and will face more acute droughts in future than previously thought – right across the UK. But there are water management options available to help us become more responsible with our water usage, whilst cutting costs at the same time. For example fitting water minimising controls on taps can save up to 70% of water, along with flush control products which can reduce the amount of flush water by up to 3 litres. Click here to see how much you can save with phs’ water saving range.

Most businesses have integrated some level of sustainability strategy into their brand, and have repositioned themselves to accommodate a younger generation of more environmentally and socially active customers. A recent survey suggests that between 70%—83% of millennials would be more loyal to a company that helps them contribute to social and environmental issues. These statistics make it clear that sustainability, and a company’s commitment to it, is top of mind for customers and employees. And along with water, waste and specifically landfill is a hot topic at the moment. The UK’s population in 2025 is expected to hit 68.5 million, increasing human waste levels. Non-recyclable wastes will need to be dealt with in a sustainable way.

With our LifeCycle Strategy, we have created a solution to one of the most pressing sustainability challenges we face. Hygiene products (nappies, sanitary waste and incontinence waste) are a necessary part of our lives, but disposing of them via incineration or landfill has been expensive and environmentally unfriendly.

We can now transform this waste into sustainable energy thanks to our ground-breaking partnerships with the UK's leading Energy From Waste specialists. Instead of going to our rapidly saturating landfill sites, the waste goes to EFW plants across the country to power schools, factories, hospitals and homes. Phs is already on a path to recycling 95% of hygiene waste by 2021, and as the UK's largest collector of this waste stream, that is a significant contribution to Britain's renewable energy and recycling targets.

In today’s competitive economic climate, businesses have to look at their products and services with multi-tasking in mind. Not only do they need to be of the highest quality and deliver excellent results, they must also help to save costs and energy.

Using water more efficiently is a smart way for businesses to save energy and money, while also delivering on commitments to cut energy and resource wastage. As well as financial benefits, by demonstrating your company’s water and waste efficiency, you may attract new, more environmentally aware customers and employees who are attracted by your commitment to becoming greener and help save the planet’s resources at the same time. Find out how phs can help you save water and money today.

Our Brands

  • Exterior deep cleaning
  • Interior deep cleaning
  • Floor deep cleaning
  • Specialist deep cleaning
  • Cleaning chemicals
  • Paper & wiping
  • Janitorial & anciliary
  • Washroom & specialists
  • Hanging baskets
  • Christmas trees
  • Office plants
  • Landscaping
  • Fixed wire and testing
  • Electrical and mechanical maintenance
  • Fire and security maintenance
  • Electric vehicle charging services
  • Crate wash services
  • Crates and accessories to buy
  • Crate rental
  • Range of safety workwear
  • Unique laundry service
  • Locker service
  • Uniform destruction
  • Waste reduction and segregation
  • Waste and money saving audit
  • Landfill diversion
  • Bespoke tailored solutions