A stiff scraping and deep pile mat, designed to prevent heavy deposits such as mud, snow, …

A stiff scraping and deep pile mat, designed to prevent heavy deposits such as mud, snow, …
Anti-Fatigue mats providing extra support for employees standing on their feet for prolonged …
phs Ultra Plus is a heavy-duty water absorbent mat, designed to effectively remove and …
phs Wet Area Matting is used to increase safety in wet areas. This durable matting is …
Help to remind people to follow instructions in your facility as well as protect floors …
Coffee vending machines and water coolers are prime areas where spills occur. Spills on …
Employees standing up all day, such as in busy kitchens and assembly lines, need physical …
An extensive range of rectangular mats, available with a smooth or gripper back. There …
Help remind people to sanitise and wash their hands, while protecting floors from premature …
Message mats can be used to display key messages while protecting floors. They work to …
The Planet Range of mats offers limitless design opportunities. From building a complete …
Keep your team safe with our message mats, they’re easy to use and provide an instant …