The phs Index

phs Index #2

2020 has become a year rocked by COVID-19. Its impact has been widespread and indiscriminate on health, society and upon organisations. With so much change, organisations will be defined on their response to COVID-19 and how they have evolved to operate within these unprecedented times and safeguard themselves for the future.

As we enter the winter months, we face new risks. We’ve already seen a resurgence in infection rates, swiftly followed by new restrictions including widespread lockdowns, a return to closure for many organisations and repeated limits on social interaction. With the impact of the pandemic already lasting the best part of the year and no clarity on exactly when restrictions will come to an end, it’s clear organisations can’t simply grit their teeth and hold on for ‘normal’ life to return. Action is needed now to ensure organisations can continue to operate safely and manage the risks associated with coronavirus and this new era we’re living in.

We’ve all heard the message of ‘hands, face and space’ and these are important aspects in infection control combated by hand washing, masks and social distancing. But what about the air we breathe? Concerns over indoor air quality have been growing for some time and with the combination of winter and Christmas the risk of COVID-19, is further increasing. Scientists worldwide are pointing to the airborne risk of contamination and this urgently needs addressing to enable people to spend time in indoor settings more safely.

With this in mind phs has commissioned new, independent research to find out how consumer behaviour has changed and reveal sentiment around visiting indoor settings. Worryingly, our research found that 68% of consumers are concerned about catching COVID in indoor places!

Our phs Index; a barometer of the impact of COVID-19 on organisations, has also been updated. First launched in September 2020, we reveal how many premises have faced closure over the last quarter as a resurgence in infection rates was swiftly followed by new restrictions across the four nations of the UK.

Finally, we’ve partnered with Professor Paul Linden of Cambridge University, an expert in fluid mechanics and the airborne spread of coronavirus who provides an expert view on COVID-19 and the risk of airborne transmission.


Download our free Whitepaper here to find out more


Find out how we are helping our customers create cleaner and safer environment with our aircare solutions. Download the Stonehaven Residential Care Home case study here.

As COVID-19 is still such a new virus, nobody can guarantee air purifiers eliminate COVID-19. However, phs’s air purification units are proven to be effective against Sars-Cov-2 and the Human Coronavirus 229E (similar characteristics to COVID-19) and can remove up to 99.99% of germs, whilst also destroying odours and bacteria.

Watch our product demonstration video to see our BIOZONE in action.

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