

Period Poverty Lesson Plans

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Together with Lil-Lets and Brook, we have created educational lessons plans for schools from year 4 to 9. These lesson plans can purely be delivered on their own or to complement the schools current offering.

What’s included?

  • Each year group is based on slightly different topics, using softer language for the younger age group and going into more detail on wellbeing, sexual education, menstrual cycles etc for the older groups.
  • Every year group will have a PowerPoint and then with each PowerPoint there is a word document for the teachers. This gives teachers a step by step guide on how to teach the class and the right language/terminology to use. Also, there are word handouts which are activities & link to the lesson plans for the pupils to take part in!
  • We believe this should be taught to a mixed gender class and not be separate into girls/boys so there are no separate resources for girls or boys.
  • This content has been put together in partnership with Brooks education experts and created in-line with KS2 & KS3 government statutory guidance & PHSE Association guidance.


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